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    With over 22 years of experience in the design and film industry in Vancouver, BC, our dedicated team has honed their expertise and developed an impeccable curatorial eye. We understand the nuances of luxury furniture and home accessories, and our intimate knowledge of the most influential brands sets us apart.


    • December 06, 2023 Timeless Treasures: Unveiling the Art of Gentle Care for Antique Furniture
      Cleaning antique furniture is not a one-size-fits-all task; it demands a thoughtful approach to ensure the longevity of these valuable pieces. In this guide, we'll explore the essential steps and precautions to take when cleaning antique furniture.
    • August 31, 2023 How to Incorporate Antique Furniture into Modern Décor
      In the world of interior design, the magic often happens when old meets new. The juxtaposition of antique furniture in a modern living space can create a unique and captivating aesthetic. If you've inherited cherished heirlooms or stumbled upon a vintage treasure, here are some expert tips on seamlessly blending antique furniture into your contemporary decor.
    • August 28, 2023 5 Popular Questions Before You Purchase Antique Furniture

      Here we unravel five essential questions that often asked by customers who are new to the allure of antique furniture. In the following sections, we will begin to satisfy a thirst for knowledge, equipping you with the insights needed to make informed and inspired decisions in your pursuit of timeless pieces.


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